
Hacker's Emblem

So since today you find a new simple little logo on this site:

hacker emblem

What is it? What is it about?
Why do I display it here?

I will answer the last question first:
Because I am a software developer, grew up with Unix (and now Linux), saw the upcoming of the Internet and the Hacker culture (see also: History) and strongly sympathise with the paradigm of 'free' like used in 'free software'. This logo symbolises how I now understand life and society, perhaps also the universe and all the rest ;-) .

The other questions are well explained here:
The Hacker Emblem and The Emblem's FAQ

and in german:
Das Hacker Emblem und Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Glider
Daneben: Was ist ein Hacker? - leider sind andere vormals vorhandene deutsche Übersetzungen von ESR's Texten inzwischen nicht mehr verfügbar.